The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mission Statement
The Lebanon Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community, will prepare students to be contributing members of a diverse global society. We will provide a safe, nurturing, rigorous, and student-centered learning environment.
Vision of Curriculum
Lebanon Public Schools believes all students should have access to a high quality, engaging, education. The curriculum is content rich, offering students opportunities to learn important concepts and procedures with understanding, while simultaneously providing students with opportunities to explore and grow in 21st century skills. These multi-disciplinary outcomes (responsible citizen; effective communicator, innovative problem solver, critical thinker, lifelong learner, and engaged collaborator) are thoughtfully and purposefully embedded throughout the curriculum alongside content that is informed by state and national standards. Scope and sequence and written documents with the varied disciplines and grade levels include key required components and depth of understanding that is expected upon unit completion.
Curriculum Links
Curriculum Documents
English Language Arts
Social Studies
World Language
Wellness/Health & Physical Education
Agricultural & Technology
Career and Technical Education (Family Consumer, Tech, & Business)
Academic Arts & Media
MTSS - Multi-Tiered System of Supports
CT Learning Hub - place for students, families, and educators to access high quality supplemental resources that accelerate learning in the classroom and advance equity within our educational system.
English Learners/Multilingual Learners Resource
Lebanon Public Schools Leader and Educator Evaluation and Support Plans