Review and follow the ECP or IHCP of any students in their classrooms with a life-threatening allergy.
Act immediately and follow the ECP if a student reports signs of an allergic
Never allow a child suspected of having and allergic reaction to walk alone to the school nurse.
Ensure a working means of communication is available (i.e. radio, intercom, cell phone or other communication device.)
Ensure volunteers, student teacher’s, IAs, specialists and substitute teachers are informed of the student’s allergies and necessary safeguards.
Keep accessible the student’s ECP in the classroom, with lesson plans and the sub plans. ECP should provide a photo if possible.
Consider coordinating with parent and school nurse a lesson plan about food allergies and anaphylaxis in age appropriate terms for the class.
Work with the school nurse to educate other parents about the presence and needs of the child with life-threatening food and other allergies in the classroom. Enlist their help in keeping allergic foods out of the classroom.
Inform parents of children with life-threatening allergies of any school events where food will be served.
Staff is not responsible for reading labels and determining the safety of foods sent to school.
Hand washing for students and staff
Before and after eating if possible.
Before and after handling food or food preparation.
Soap and water is the best way to wash. Purell is not an adequate replacement.
Lunch time
Discourage students from sharing or trading snacks.
Avoid cross contamination of foods by wiping down eating surfaces with soap and water or spray cleaner before and after eating.
An “allergy-free” table has been made available in the cafeteria to students with identified food allergies.Friends whose lunches do not contain and offending food may also be seated at this table. Friends should bring their lunches to the school nurse to be checked before lunch.
Allergy-free table should be washed with separate cleaning materials before each lunch period.The custodian will be responsible for this.
Food in the Classroom
Food should not be eaten in the classroom.
The teacher must notify the parents of children with life threatening allergies prior to the event.
A Food in the Curriculum Form must be submitted by the teacher before food is served in the classroom.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to be sure that the tables are properly cleaned.
Equipment is located in the office.
Food will be allowed in designated areas within the building among them are
the cafeteria, teacher’s room, conference room, ADL room, main office, nurse’s office.
Outdoor tables, areas will not be cleaned.
Recess, PE, Outdoor Activities
During “BEE” seasons the Epipen should accompany any identified allergic student outside.Check with nurse or ECP prior to outdoor activity.
Classroom activities
Avoid use of allergenic foods in classroom activities (arts and crafts, counting, science projects, parties, holidays and celebrations, cooking, pet food, or other projects).
Non-food items should be considered for rewards and incentives.
When classroom activities in Pre K-8 include food, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian of the identified allergic child prior to the activity.
Do not use latex balloons in projects or games.Mylar is acceptable.
Field Trips
Collaborate with school nurse and parents prior to planning the trip.
Plan ahead for risk avoidance at the destination and during transportation to and from the destination including eating facilities, hands on activities, demonstrations or programs with foods, latex, etc.
Review plans when selecting field trip destinations, avoid high risk places.
Ensure that Epi-pen and instructions are taken on field trips and remain with the student or in the care of the trained adult during the course of the trip.
Ensure that the child with life-threatening allergies is assigned to staff who are trained in recognizing symptoms of life-threatening allergic reactions and trained to use an Epi-pen and emergency procedures.
Consider eating situations on field trips and plan for prevention of exposure to the student’s life-threatening allergy. The teacher is expected to provide the parents with information concerning the trip so they can make a determination as to the food safety for their child.The District is not responsible for making such a determination. If the parent is unable to make the determination, the parent shall send safe food on the trip with the student.
Consider ways to wash hands before and after eating (restrooms, provision of hand wipes, etc.).
If possible, invite parents of a student at risk for anaphylaxis to accompany their child on field trips.However, the student’s safety or attendance must not to be conditioned on the parent’s presence.
Work with family and staff to develop IHCP and ECP per District Guidelines.
Coordinate staff training and education.
Assist staff with issues as they arise.
Deal with medications per Medication Administration Policy/Guidelines.
The family will notify the school of the child’s allergies.
The family will notify the bus company if they wish their child’s allergies to be known to them.
Work with the school to develop a plan that meets the child’s needs
Provide medical documentation, instructions, medications as directed by the health care provider and District Medication Administration Policy.
Provide properly labeled medications and replace medications after use or upon expiration as well as pick up the medications at the end of the school year.
Will educate the child in self-management of their food allergy including
Safe and unsafe foods
Strategies for avoiding exposure to unsafe foods
Symptoms of allergic reaction
How and when to tell an adult they may be having an allergy related problem.
How to read food labels.
Provide emergency contact information.
Should not trade or accept food from others.
Should not eat anything with unknown ingredients or known to contain any allergen.
Should be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions.
Should notify an adult immediately if the eat something they believe may contain the food to which they are allergic.
We anticipate that as students move through middle school they will become more responsible for making wise decisions and for increasing independence in participating in their health needs.
These guidelines were developed in accordance with the Lebanon Public Schools District Food Allergy Management Plan and the Connecticut State Department of Education guidelines.
Prepared by: Holly Parker RNJune 20ll.Revised August 2011, August 2012